1. Definition of personal information

Virtual Entertainment Inc. defines personal information as information related to living individuals (name, date of birth, other information that can identify a specific individual) as stipulated in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and specific personal information. We recognize that information such as e-mail addresses, user IDs, passwords, credit cards, etc. used in connection with individuals, and attribute information related to individuals such as hobbies, family composition, age, etc. combined with personal information.

2. Cookies and IP address information

We do not consider cookies and IP address information to be personal information, as they alone cannot identify a specific individual. However, when these information and personal information are used together, these information are also regarded as personal information. In the media operated by Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd., we will disclose the purpose and method when using cookies and IP address information, even if it is not possible to identify a specific individual. In addition, it is possible to refuse cookie information through browser settings. If you cannot receive the service if you refuse cookies, we will announce that fact.

3. Identification of purpose of use of personal information

When handling personal information, Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. specifies the purpose of its use as much as possible.

4. Restrictions on use of personal information

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without obtaining the prior consent of the individual. Even if personal information is acquired due to a merger or other reason, we will not handle it beyond the scope of the purpose of use before the succession without obtaining the consent of the person in advance. However, this shall not apply in the following cases.

  1.   When required by law
  2.   When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  3.  When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  4.  When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, a local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and with the consent of the person concerned, When there is a risk of hindrance

5. Appropriate acquisition of personal information

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. acquires personal information properly and does not acquire it by deception or other wrongful means. In addition, we will take care not to collect information about individuals from children under the age of 15 without the consent of their parental authority.

6. Notification of purpose of use when acquiring personal information

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. will announce the purpose of use in advance when acquiring personal information. However, this shall not apply in the following cases.

  1.   When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or a third party by notifying the person of the purpose of use or publicly announcing it.
  2.   When there is a risk of harming the rights or legitimate interests of Virtual Entertainment Inc. by notifying the person of the purpose of use or publicly announcing it.
  3.  When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or a local public entity in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and ordinances, and notifying the person of the purpose of use or publicly announcing it hinders the execution of said affairs. when there is a risk of
  4.  When it is recognized that the purpose of use is clear in view of the acquisition situation

7. Change of purpose of use of personal information

When changing the purpose of use of personal information, Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. will not do so beyond the scope reasonably recognized to have considerable relevance to the purpose of use before the change. , notify the person or make a public announcement.

8. Safety management of personal information and supervision of employees

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. establishes personal information protection regulations and conducts necessary and appropriate supervision of employees in order to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information and to ensure the safety management of personal information.

9. Supervision of subcontractors

When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal information, Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. will require the consignee to sign a contract including confidentiality, or to agree to the terms and conditions stipulated by Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. We will conduct necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the safety management of information.

10. Restrictions on provision to third parties

Except for the following cases, Virtual Entertainment Inc. will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual.

  1.   When required by law
  2.   When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned
  3.   When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  4.  When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person concerned interferes with the execution of the affairs when there is a risk of
  5.  When the following matters are notified or announced in advance
  6.  Including provision to third parties in the purpose of use
  7.  Items of data provided to third parties
  8.  Means or method of provision to third parties
  9.  Discontinue provision of personal information to third parties at the request of the individual. However, the following cases do not correspond to the third party specified above.
  10.  When Virtual Entertainment Inc. outsources all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
  11.  When personal information is provided along with business succession due to merger or other reasons
  12.  When personal information is jointly used with a specific person, to that effect, the items of personal information to be jointly used, the scope of joint users, the purpose of use of the users, and When the name of the person responsible for the management of the relevant personal information is notified to the person in advance, or is put in a state where the person can easily know it

11. Disclosure, etc. of Matters Concerning Personal Information

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. will put the following matters related to personal information in a state that the person can know, and will respond without delay at the request of the person.

  1.   Purpose of use of personal information (However, this excludes cases where there is no obligation to do so under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. If we decide not to respond, we will notify the person to that effect without delay. increase.)
  2.   Inquiries regarding personal information

12. Disclosure of personal information

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. will disclose personal information to the person without delay when the person requests disclosure of personal information. However, if the disclosure falls under any of the following, we may not disclose all or part of it, and if we decide not to disclose it, we will notify you without delay.

  1.   When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
  2.   When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of the business of Virtual Entertainment Inc.
  3.   When it would violate other laws and regulations
In principle, we do not disclose information other than personal information such as access logs.

13. Correction of personal information, etc.

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. will, in accordance with the provisions of other laws and regulations, request correction, addition, or deletion of content (hereinafter referred to as "correction, etc.") due to the reason that the personal information is not true. Except for cases where special procedures are stipulated, we will conduct necessary investigations without delay within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and based on the results, correct the content of personal information, etc. will notify you.

14. Suspension of use of personal information, etc.

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd. is not responsible for the reason that the personal information of the person is handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use that has been announced in advance, or that the personal information has been obtained by deception or other wrongful means. If requested to suspend or erase the use of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use, etc."), the necessary investigation will be conducted without delay, and based on the results of the investigation, suspension of use, etc. of personal information will be carried out. We will notify you to that effect. However, in cases where suspension of use, etc. of personal information costs a large amount of money or other cases where suspension of use, etc. is difficult, and where necessary alternative measures can be taken to protect the rights and interests of the individual. takes this alternative.

15. explanation of why

Virtual Entertainment Co., Ltd., despite the request from the person himself

  1.   Do not notify purpose of use
  2.   Do not disclose all or part of personal information
  3.   Do not stop using personal information
  4.   Do not stop providing personal information to third parties
If we decide to do either of the above, we will endeavor to explain the reason when notifying the person to that effect.

16. inquiry

For inquiries regarding the privacy policy of Virtual Entertainment Inc., please contact us here.

Privacy Policy